
The Ceci winery was founded by Otello an innkeeper of the low plain of Parma who could combined the history of the wine to its future. In 1938, in his farm, Otello poured his Lambrusco with the grapes bought by the local farmers, while someone was cooking the best tripe of the province. His sons Giovanni and Bruno were still kids but already knew the fascinating process of the pressing of the grapes and they were just fascinated. The catering was quit to leave space to the Ceci winery. Today, the owners of the estate are the Otello’s grandsons: Alessandro, Maria Teresa, Maria Paola, Elisa and Chiara. They represent the soul of the company who contribute to give a new impulse to the winery and to create even more solid basis for the future owners. They talk through the territory to express the potential of this land, without any falsification, by trying to always improve the quality. All this by innovating their products both concerning the tastes and the esthetic of the bottles. They can distribute the Otello Nero di lambrusco and the other sparkling wines in a unique square bottle. The quick explosion took place in the 90’s when it born the Lambrusco Terre Verdiane, that had a great success with a new youth and an unexpected prestige.

Besitzer Alessandro Ceci
Önologe Alessandro Ceci
Region Emilia Romagna (Italy)
Gründungsjahr 1938
Weine produziert Lambrusco Secco, Lambrusco Amabile, Malvasia, Spumante Extra Dry, Spumante Brut
produzierten Flaschen 3000000
Hektar Weinberge 450
Adresse Cantine Ceci - Torrile (PR) - Strada Provinciale di Golese, 99
die Weine aus dem Weinkeller Ceci
Spumante Brut CECI 1938
Spumante Brut CECI 1938 [[Ceci]] CHF 9,60 CHF 10,90
Spumante Extra Dry CECI 1938
Lambrusco „Terre Verdiane Secco 1813“
Lambrusco Otello 200
Lambrusco „Otello Nero di Lambrusco 1813“
Lambrusco Sparkling Brut „BRUNO“
Spumante Otello Ceci Rosè 1813
Lambrusco Spumante Bruno e le Rose
Malvasia "Otello 1813" Secco
Prickelnder Millesimato „NÁNI OTELLO“ BRUT
Magnum 1,5 Liter Lambrusco „Otello Nero di Lambrusco 1813“ verpackt
Lambrusco „Terre Verdiane Amabile 1813“
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Barbera Emilia „Decanta 68,2“
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Millesimato Schaumwein „NÁNI OTELLO“ Extra Dry
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Lambrusco Rosso "TO YOU" Bottiglia Nera Lavagna
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