It was 1824 when Giuseppe Alliata, Duca di Salaparuta, decided to realize his passion for wine by creating Corvo Bianco and Corvo Rosso; subsequently the business is carried on by his son Edoardo who transforms it into a real company, laying the foundations for what will become one of the great entrepreneurial wineries. With Duke Enrico, new products and new labels are introduced thanks to his numerous studies abroad and to his oenological culture that counts him among the greats of modern Italian winemaking; he is also one of the first to publish a book on vegetarian cuisine and his foresight and curiosity will increase the prestige of the family business which start to obtain the first awards and first prizes.The last member of the Alliata family to lead the company before sell it in 1961 to SOFIS, the Regional Chief for Industrial Development and Promotion, will be Topazia Alliata mother of the famous writer Dacia Maraini; it is because of her that one of the symbolic wines of the Cantina Duca di Salaparuta, the Colomba Platino, is born. Thanks to the managerial imprint of Sofis first and the intervention of the Sicily Region then, the production of Duca di Salaparuta Winery increases dramatically up to 7 million; Exports to the USA, Germany and England also grow at the same time.In 2001 the brand was acquired by the company Illva Saronno Holding S.p.A and in 2003 the Duca di Salaparuta S.p.A. was born.