Founded in 2002 thanks to the foresight of the famous Franciacorta winery "Barone Pizzini", which at that time chose to invest in the Marche region, the Pievalta winery is located near Ancona, in Maiolati Spontini, in the heart of the territory of the Castelli di Jesi. Focusing on the great potential of Verdicchio, unanimously considered as one of the most important autochthonous vine varieties in Italy, the company can currently count on over 26 hectares of vineyards, managed from the beginning respecting organic standards, and since 2005 according to the rules of biodynamic agriculture. Among the rows, respect for the environment and ecosystem is maximum, and the plants are cared in order to keep active all the functions and natural forces of self-defense against parasites and diseases. Despite the enormous difficulties, in the vineyard all the operations are carried out manually, and the agronomic techniques adopted aim at a single and primary objective: to guarantee the highest quality level of the fruit. Pure and precious bunches, therefore, arrive in the cellar, where each working step is aimed at preserving and enhancing its intrinsic peculiarities. A team made up of professional experts makes use of the best and most innovative oenological tools, to get to obtain wines that, among other things, have not known any adjuvants of animal origin since 2009, so that they can boast in all respects the certification of "vegan" vegetarian quality. Starting from “Dominè” we arrive at “San Paolo”, passing through a range of labels which, season after season, harvest after harvest, prove solid, full of determination and character. Often awarded with important acknowledgments by the industry critics, all the wines that come out of the Pievalta winery are attested to very high quality levels, making the Pievalta winery itself recognized today as one of the most prestigious and authoritative signatures of the entire Verdicchio appellation of the Castelli di Jesi.