It is in the heart of Sannio near Benevento that La Guardiense was born in 1960, one of the most remarkable companies in the Campania region. A winery that, if at the beginning it could boast just over thirty members, today can count about a thousand one, thus testifying the extraordinary social value of this project which over time has been enriched with professionalism and ambition: small farmers who directly cultivate more than 1,500 hectares of vineyards, all located in the hills, at an average altitude of 350 meters above sea level, in an area that acts as a natural watershed between Taburno and Molise. Here, in an area particularly suited to viticulture, all the most typical varieties of Sannio and Campania find their origin: the Falanghina, the Greco, the Fiano, the Coda di Volpe among the white berried ones, then the Aglianico and the Piedirosso between red berried ones. Vines that have always belonged to these places, and that thanks to the fundamental contribution of one of the most celebrated winemakers in Italy - Riccardo Cotarella - originate wines of extraordinary immediacy, dynamic and expressive. The annual production reaches an average of 200 thousand quintals of grapes, and the bottles that leave annually the cellar of Guardia Sanframondi are about three million and 800 thousand. Despite this, numbers are not the most important thing for wineries, not only in Campania, but in Italy as well. Promptly rewarded with the most important awards released by industry critics, La Guardiense, in fact, led by only three presidents in over fifty years of history, has always been able to adapt to the times and to changing markets, thus becoming a symbol of technological progress in the entire area of Benevento, and succeeding in combining experience and modernity like few other wineries have been able to do.

Besitzer La Guardiense
Önologe Riccardo Cottarella
Region Campania (Italy)
Gründungsjahr 1960
Weine produziert Greco di Tufo, Aglianico, Coda di Volpe, Taurasi, Fiano
produzierten Flaschen 4400000
Hektar Weinberge 1400
Adresse Cantina Sociale La Guardiense - Guardia Sanframondi (BN) - Via Santa Lucia, 104
die Weine aus dem Weinkeller LA GUARDIENSE
Aglianico Sannio JANARE DOP
Coda di Volpe Sannio JANARE DOP
Falanghina del Sannio JANARE DOP
Fiano Sannio JANARE DOP
Greco Sannio JANARE DOP
Aglianico Sannio "Lucchero" DOP
Falanghina del Sannio "Senete" DOP
Fiano Sannio "Colle di Tilio" DOP
Greco Sannio "Pietralata" DOP
Week Deal Angebote
Falanghina del Sannio "Janare Anima Lavica" DOP
Aglianico Sannio RISERVA "Cantari" DOP
Nicht vorrätig