The desire to leave the paths until now beaten, the love at first sight linked to the encounter of an unknown territory, recognizing in a place and in themselves the exact sensations that had thrilled you so many years before, all this convinced Cecchi, for the first time in its history, to cross the borders of Tuscany to face a new productive adventure. At the end of the nineties, the company invested in the territory of Sagrantino di Montefalco, a prestigious Umbrian appellation that has known great fame in the last twenty years of our enology. For Cecchi, the purchase of Tenuta Alzatura entails, in addition to the economic effort, the necessary reorganization of the production strategy, both agronomic and enological, which must be adapted to the new reality. On the other hand, however, the company recognizes in the union between Sagrantino grape and the territory of choice in the same expressive uniqueness and in the socio-cultural roots of local viticulture, those factors at the base of the quality obtained in Tuscan companies. The process therefore does not change. First of all, great attention to the nature of the soils, here clayey with good presence of skeleton, and clonal study on the variety that can best adapt to the soil-climatic characteristics of the available soils. The wine Sagrantino di Montefalco is characterized by an important polyphenolic extraction. The material must be supported by a proper contribution of freshness to achieve the necessary balance. The company’s objective can be summarized in the continuous search for harmony.