Online Sale Cabernet Wine
Our showcase offers you a wide selection of Cabernet wines at an extremely advantageous price: order with a click the labels that best meet your taste and prepared to eat quality. Cabernet is divided into Sauvignon and Franc varieties: coming from France and more precisely from Bordeaux, it is considered one of the most famous red wines in the world and is even mentioned by Pliny the Elder in his Naturalis historia. Arrived in Italy from the port of Durazzo, in the variety cultivated in our peninsula gives news of himself around 1820, although the most massive penetration occurred after the First World War.
It is produced and appreciated worldwide, thanks to excellent labels from Chile, South Africa and the state of California. As for Italy, several regions cultivate it with high quality results: Cabernet is now among the most exquisite Friulian wines, and bottles equally valuable are from Tuscany, Veneto and Sicily.
The characteristics of the grape
The fact that the grape takes root in such different environments and climates testifies to the extraordinary adaptability of Cabernet wine, which can give life to products of great variety, depending on the territory of origin, and always able to keep recognizable the main features. It also adapts well to different forms of breeding and pruning.
It has pentagonal and pentalobate leaf, the berry is medium-sized and spheroidal in shape, the skin is deep blue, and the pulp is fleshy and with a slightly herbaceous taste. It ripens from the end of September to the beginning of October, with a constant and tenacious productivity, characteristic at the base of its wide diffusion.
If vinified with other vines improves the organoleptic characteristics, while in purity is rich in tannins and aromatic substances and is predisposed to aging. The structure of the vine allows in fact long macerations and prolonged aging in wood, which over time earn Cabernet wines a complex bouquet.
Proposals and combinations
At the sight of ruby color, compact and with few reflections, tends to purple with bluish veins if aged in cask. The aroma is exceptionally intense and persistent, with hints of berries, prunes, sage and cinnamon. The taste reveals a strong and tannic taste, with a slight herbaceous accent on the finish.
Numerous wineries that stand out for their production based on this vine: among the many, we can remember the Cabernet fromAzienda Agricola Perusini which are first vinified in steel with selected yeasts, and then rest for twelve months in French oak barrels. To be served in medium-wide glasses at a temperature between 16 and 18 º C and are combined with risotto, gnocchi with meat sauce, baked pork knuckle, cut beef and all kinds of game. Equally renowned are the labels of tenuta Riccardi free of added sulphites, ferment in the absence of oxygen and are refined for six months in stainless steel. They go well with vegetable soups, stewed red meats and slightly seasoned meats. The list of producers is really long: among the various proposals in the showcase you will also find the creations of Tenuta Luisa, Cantina Marco Felluga and many others. Have fun discovering the enormous potential of the vine and the different reworkings proposed by the various wineries and order online on Negoziodelvino the perfect Cabernet for every situation, from table wines for every day to the most elaborate labels to keep for the most important occasions.